Saving The Elephants: Samburu and Amboseli, February 2012

Just returned from an unforgettable journey to Kenya in support of Save The Elephants… a trip so special that I am still trying to process all that I brought back with me from the trip, besides some wonderful images of these amazing creatures.  I guess you can say that after spending so much time observing elephants and learning about the current crisis affecting their survival, I am compelled to be a louder voice in their support, not to mention the larger issues surrounding their survival. The elephants touched my heart and the people most involved in their conservation and survival, were amongst the most compelling.  Their dedication, their knowledge, their compassion,their sacrifice and their relationships with these elephants and elephant groups,  were beyond words.  I will follow this brief update with a more detailed diary of sorts  soon.  In the meantime, I offer a few images from the trip, including images from the wonderful Samburu people, whom I shall never forget…

With much more later.   Susan

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